Getting Started
Tilli is a web-based application with scala as backend and uses truffle as a tool to compile. It uses MongoDB as a database for regular non-blockchain data persistence and solidity smart contract to execute transactions on Ethereum blockchain.
To run Tilli in your system please make sure you have the following app and libraries installed.
Node-js --version >= 20.0.0
Yarn --version >= 1.22.20
Installing Tilli Server
To set up this software on your machine locally:
Clone this repository
$ cd tilli-backend-server
Note : Please Install Redis in Your System.
Redis Setup
To stop your redis
/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
If you need backup your existing data
cd /var/lib/redis/cp dump.rdb dump1.rdb
Replace redis data
cp tilli-backend-server/data/dump.rdb /var/lib/redis/
Restart your redis
/etc/init.d/redis-server restart
File Setup
Move and extract data files from tilli-backend-server/data/
to [your_data_path]
Ex :cp tilli-backend-server/data/ [your_data_path]
To run locally - using SBT.
sbt "runMain com.teqbahn.bootstrap.StarterMain local 2553 8093 [ServerIP] [RedisIP]:[RedisPort] [MailId] [MailPassword] [your_data_path]"
local - server running environment
2553 - Akka Port
8093 - Attp Port
httpHostName :
[ServerIP] - Replace your system IP Address Ex :
[RedisIP] - Replace your Redis IP Address Ex :
[RedisPort] - Replace your Redis Port Ex : 6379
If you required send mail, Please configure mail setup otherWise use the dummy values.
[MailId] - Replace your mail id Ex :
[MailPassword] - Replace your password Ex : password123
[your_data_path] - Replace your system filepath Ex : /html/tilli
Ex :
sbt "runMain com.teqbahn.bootstrap.StarterMain local 2553 8093 password123 /html/tilli"
Installing Tilli Web App
1. Configuration :
a. Need to change IP address and Port in config/Myconstant.js :
Ex apiURL :
2. How to run? Yarn/npm/
a. Use below CMD to install modules :
npm install
b. Enter below CMD to start :
npm start
Running Url : http://localhost:3023/tilli-web/
Installing Tilli IDE
1. Configuration :
a. Need to change IP address and Port in config/Myconstant.js :
Ex apiURL :
2. How to run? Yarn/npm/..
a. Use below CMD to install modules :
npm install
b. Enter below CMD to start :
npm start
Running Url : 'http://localhost:3022/tilli/'
UserName :tilliadmin
Password :tilliadmin
Last updated:06/12/2024