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Backend Server (Backend Developers)


Tilli is a web-based application with scala as backend and uses truffle as a tool to compile.

Setups, Install & Run

Installing Tilli Server

To set up this software on your machine locally you need to clone this repository:

$ cd tilli-backend-server

Please Note: Install Redis in Your System.

How to Setup Redis

To stop your redis /etc/init.d/redis-server stop

If you need backup your existing data cd /var/lib/redis/cp dump.rdb dump1.rdb

Replace redis data

cp tilli-backend-server/data/dump.rdb /var/lib/redis/

Restart your redis /etc/init.d/redis-server restart

File Setup

Move and extract data files from tilli-backend-server/data/ to [your_data_path]

Ex: cp tilli-backend-server/data/ [your_data_path]

To run locally - using SBT

sbt "runMain com.teqbahn.bootstrap.StarterMain local 2553 8093 [ServerIP][RedisIP]:[RedisPort][MailId] [MailPassword][your_data_path]"

  • local - server running environment

  • 2553 - Akka Port

  • 8093 - Attp Port

  • httpHostName:

  • [ServerIP] - Replace your system IP Address Ex:

  • [RedisIP] - Replace your Redis IP Address Ex:

  • [RedisPort] - Replace your Redis Port Ex: 6379

If you required send mail, Please configure mail setup otherWise use the dummy values.

  • [MailId] - Replace your mail id Ex:

  • [MailPassword] - Replace your password Ex: password123

  • [your_data_path] - Replace your system filepath Ex: /html/tilli

Ex: sbt "runMain com.teqbahn.bootstrap.StarterMain local 2553 8093 password123 /html/tilli"

How to Give Feedback or Report Bugs

Kindly go to the “Report Bugs, Issues or Share Feedback” Section in our Contribution Guidelines for filing any issue/bugs, feedback, to clarify doubts or propose a new feature through our GitHub forms.

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